Delivering Memorable Employee Engagement Experiences to Boost Performance & Happiness
‘We exist not only to provide training & learning opportunities for employees of companies. We are actually in the business of designing & delivering experiences that will make their training ‘Positively Memorable & Fun’, so that it will bond them closer to their companies & remind them of ‘Happy Memories’ as they upskill themselves with us.’That would be the ethos of Michael Teoh, a passionate trainer turned CEO of award-winning training company, Thriving Talents, with a track record of serving Fortune 500 companies across 41 countries in their leadership development, sales training & teambuilding needs since 2012.
As a Malaysian-based training company that prides itself as the ‘Millennial-Generation Workforce Experts’, Thriving Talents’ many human capital development projects around the world had received global coverage on CNN & BBC. In fact, the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama had also visited a youth-leadership workshop conducted by Thriving Talents during his maiden visit to Malaysia.
‘Many people would think that we have received all these recognition was due to our training quality or services. But, we believe that it is an all encompassing package. Our customers come back to us, because, we do not only ensure that our training services will bring results in boosting the productivity of their employees. We also ensure that we provide the best customer service, before they even sign up to become our customer, and even after the training has ended, where our team of dedicated account managers to follow up with their needs. We always strive to add more value where ever possible!’
Echoing that same ethos, Thriving Talents has continued to evolve & scale its business operations by offering its customers a ‘One Stop Solution’ in conceptualizing, delivering & evaluating their customers’ (The companies which engage them to train up their employees) professional developmental journey.
Thriving Talents’ customers now entrust them to recommend & source out ‘The Complete Experiential Package’, encompassing venue selections, lodging, entertainment performances, outdoor activities, transportation, and sometimes even special event arrangements, like gala dinners, parties and networking lunches – All done, on top of designing & delivering impactful training engagements to upskill their staffs.
Internally in the company, employees of Thriving Talents, better known as Thrivers, are often reminded to think of ways to deliver an Amazing ‘Thriving Talents Experience (TTE)’ through the different customer service touch points which can be delivered, from the wide variety of engagements with their customers. An excellent Customer Service experience from Thriving Talents, can be summed up with the following principles:
- Always be a ‘Doctor’ to Our Customers, Not a Salesperson. Listen to their Needs and only propose what we know would bring them an amazing experience to be excited to develop themselves through our training interventions
- Always Think about Surpassing Expectations!
- Always Reflect on Blind-Spots which our Customers may miss out, & how we can Wow! them during the delivery of our training services
- Always Build Relationships with our Customers – Our Lives will be Better & Happier when we start seeing every opportunity to serve our customers, as a Golden Opportunity to build our friendship with them