SKYMART (Hong Kong)


Company details










SKYMART is a multi-brand fashion apparel store located in Hong Kong. We mostly approach our customers through social media, such as Instagram and Facebook. We have up to 170k followers on Instagram, 4 million weekly impressions, reached accounts have been up to 400,000, and over 10,000 actions have been taken in reaction to our one single post.

Apart from running social platforms, we also have four physical stores all over Hong Kong. The locations are all for the convenience of customers. As we hope that customers can have our service at their fingertips, whether they interact, experience, or purchase, we pay particular attention to the interaction between our customers and us. Our goal is to interact with every customer who follows us so that every customer would feel that we are their friends instead of just a salesperson.

It is our ultimate goal that every customer would remember that SKYMART is a friend rather than a shop. To make our customers feel like they are at home, we use different strategies or advocacy. For instance, we regularly hold different interactive activities to communicate with our customers every month. We had activities like Potluck parties, special seasonal celebrations, Christmas parties, and even discounts on sales of goods decided by the guests.
We also would suggest our customers try out at our stores and seek matching suggestions from our shop staff, rather than simply buying. In addition, in terms of seeking matching suggestions from our shop assistants, we would recommend that customers use existing clothing at home as matching accessories rather than buying unnecessary items. We would only recommend customers buying clothing that is not similar to what they have at home. By doing this, customers won't feel pressured like they are forced to buy our products. We want them to feel our caring service is customer-oriented.
As mentioned above, we have a huge fan base on social platforms, therefore, we will also make full use of the platforms to achieve our goals. For example, we make good use of Instagram’s features such as “ask me to answer”, “choose between two” and open-ended questions to communicate with our customers. Last but not least, for our posts, we use makeup and matching tips or suggestions as the main theme. There may even be a live broadcast of our PR/Kol to directly interact with customers.

All our arrangements are for customers to experience that SKYMART is a caring friend for them, and not a profit-only company.