Ernan’s Articles on cxp.asia
President, ERDM Corp.
Author, Voice of the Customer Marketing
ERDM conducts specialized CX and Loyalty research to help companies understand how customers define their expectations for high value customer experiences.
Ernan was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame due to the results ERDM’s VoC research based CX strategies achieve for companies such as IBM, Microsoft, QVC, Gilt, Shinola and HP.
He’s been selected for numerous citations including, “Top 15 Influencers Changing the CX Game”, “Top 40 Digital Luminaries”, “100 Most Influential People in Business Marketing”, and 2019 Customer Experience Update MVP Award, in Vision and Strategy.
His influential blog, Insights on Marketing Best Practices appears in CMO.com, Forbes, CX Network, ANA, CustomerThink, CRMC and Business2Community.
Previous books; Opt-in Marketing and Integrated Direct Marketing.